Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Appointment with RE is tomorrow to get all the details for my first IUI.

I feel like it's a cycle starting all over.  Like when we first started trying, every month I would think "it would be great if we got pregnant this month because ... " (I could announce it at Thanksgiving/Christmas/Etc. or the baby would be born...).

Now with IUI I can't help but start thinking - if it works the first time I'll have a baby around Christmas!  What a perfect present.  I know I should manage my expectations.  I also wonder if I'll feel a little guilty if it happens right away when so many women have tried for so long without success.

Anyways can't blog long tonight because some major crap went down with a family member today and I'm having to try to deal with it.  Can't give any details at this point but suffice it to say I have an unexpected houseguest and some legal research to do tonight :(.


  1. Good luck at your appointment tomorrow!

    Sorry for the family drama. Hope all will be ok.

  2. Hi! Here from LFAC. I am 5dpiui and am on my second one. I did Clomid for all my medicated cycles. I too heard it's not the greatest drug, but I guess we'll see what happens. I swear the side effects have gotten better since I started the Clomid. Can't wait to hear how your appointment went. We are hear to support you!

  3. Thank you ladies and good luck Risa!
