Wednesday, February 13, 2013



Tried to go to work today - made it through a half day before the pain got to me and I went home.

Wednesdays are the husband's day off - he was planning to go snowboarding today but changed his mind.  He says it was because he wanted to work on the garden (I think it was because he wanted to sleep in).

So tonight when I mention how I can't wait for our follow-up with the RE next Wednesday, he gets upset and says he "made plans" (this morning) to go snowboarding next Wednesday.  Too bad.  I told him when I made the appointment when it was and there's no way I'm waiting any longer for answers from our RE.

Stuff like this is a no brainer for me but not for him.  Snowboarding vs. a treatment plan after a year and a half of trying and failing?  Duh.

Sometimes I think he still hasn't fully accepted that I'm infertile.  He thinks somehow we can just do this the old-fashioned way and it will work.  Well it hasn't and my eggs ain't getting any younger.  I want - need - to move forward with this.

What a frustrating day.


  1. I know it's hard, but give him time. Hell, it took me years to accept for myself that we weren't going to become parents by ourselves.
    My husband recently told me that he really wants to fly home for Christmas, so we'd have to wait with our IVF to "time this right". (Because of course it is going to work.) And, like you, I don't feel like waiting any longer and didn't take this comment very well. But then yesterday he looked up several IVF-related details and told me about them and was generally very sweet and supportive. I guess it's hard on both partners, but with different "cycles" to add to the entertainment. Hope your husband will show his more supportive and understanding side soon.

  2. It took my husband awhile to get on board, too. He kept thinking it would just happen eventually. Once it became clear we needed IVF (due to both sperm issues and not a whole lot of eggs) he became so much more involved. He comes to all the appointments, gives me all the injections and researches everything on the internet. I think it helps that part of the issue is sperm quality so it's not just "my" problem, but I think it just takes men a little longer to get on the same page with all this. He'll get there.

  3. Thanks to you both! I think you're right - he is coming around. Was very supportive today at the IUI appointment. I think it will take another adjustment if we end up moving to IVF at some point but he's on board so far!
