Monday, February 18, 2013

So I guess it's IUI for us

I had my followup with the P.A. at my RE's office on Friday.  She went over the results of my surgery with me in detail.

Turns out I had no blockage in the tubes at all.  None.  And mild endometriosis which was removed.  The false positive on my HSG came from a kind of "divot" where the liquid pooled.

So long story short ... we have no answers.  I asked her what that means and she basically said - you're 36 - are you ready to move on to the next step.

The next step is IUI.  We're meeting with Dr. B on Wednesday to talk about it but we've already kind of decided to move forward this month.  So, I'll be asking my huge list of questions and then waiting for my period to start the process.

Amongst the questions I have:

Should we do Clomid or injectables?  I've heard really negative things about Clomid - the side effects, the lack of results.  But injectables are more expensive - will it be worth it?

How many follicles do we want? How many are too many?  How many would cause my RE to cancel the cycle?

Do we do progesterone after the IUI and if so, suppositories or injections?

I know I will have some answers in just a couple days but am anxiously waiting for the appointment.

Also really hoping IUI works even though I know it has lower success rates.  We haven't decided whether to do one cycle or two before moving on to the big ticket item - IVF.  Would love to not have to spend the money (insurance covers NOTHING).


  1. Over from LFCA...

    It's been a good while since I did IUI, but if I remember correctly, my RE didn't want to see more than 3 follicles for IUI to prevent the possibility of high-order multiples. I was also told it was a 10-15% chance of pregnancy. That sounds awful, until you remember that the average for pregnancy without any issues is 20% each cycle. I did crinone (suppository) after, but I've heard of some REs doing the injections, but that's usually if you're doing IUI + injectables.

    I did clomid for my IUIs but clomid also has a high incidence of causing cysts - which happened to me after each IUI and benched me for several months after. I didn't like doing clomid at all.

    Injectables are more expensive, but generally do MUCH better overall than clomid. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have only done one round of clomid IUI (lots of women do great with clomid - just didn't know I wasn't going to be one of the until the cysts!) and then moved on to one round of IUI + injectables and on to IVF as soon as possible (got caught up in stupid anger for too many years).

    Good luck and I'm sure your doctor will answer all of your questions. Oh, and write down EVERYTHING you can think of that you want to ask and take notes when you're there.

    1. Thanks for the info! Very helpful. I think we are going to do a maximum of 2 IUI cycles. Possibly with the first one Clomid but I'm hesitant because I have heard a lot of negatives for Clomid. I appreciate the input!
