Friday, August 2, 2013

An Amazing Answer to Prayer!

So I mentioned before that I lost my job.  And my DH and I agreed I would not look for a new one until after our trip to the Czech Republic for IVF.

However, a couple months ago (before we made the IVF decision and before we decided to go abroad) I sent my resume to my number one choice for a new job.  Absolutely the number one choice.  Didn't hear anything - until last Friday.  They called to ask me to come in for an interview.

Cue worry.  I can't change the dates for IVF - we've already started the cycle and paid for all the meds. We're leaving August 28 for Europe.  Can't turn down the interview because as I might have mentioned this is my number one choice!

Decided to leave it in God's hands, be open about the fact that I have a trip planned (though not disclosing it's for IVF) and went to the interview.

And I got the job!  PLUS, even better, they want me to start AFTER the trip!  It could not be more perfect!  It really is the most wonderful answer to prayer - just the ideal and more than I could have hoped for.  Now we get to go do IVF and I don't have to worry about finances or looking for a job when we get back because I have one waiting for me.

Time for a celebratory dinner out!

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