Friday, June 28, 2013


So yesterday I was completely sure we were going to go to the Czech republic to do IVF.  Now I'm kind of freaked out by the idea of getting such expensive serious medical care abroad and care when I get back and travel details, etc.  So DH and I will discuss it this weekend and make a final decision.  We really want to move forward ASAP so no time to dilly dally over the choice.

Pros of going to Czech Republic

  • Cheaper!!!  (it's about $5200 for IVF with ICSI, embryo monitoring, and meds)
  • Visit a new country (even if I'll feel like crap most of the time)
  • Decent success rate (clinic said 60% for women under 40 although I'm slightly uncomfortable with the fact that I'm lumped in with all the 20-somethings - would rather know the success rates for women 35-40 or something like that)
  • They have the embryo monitoring that is considered very cutting edge and not used at most clinics in the US
  • Reviews say clinic is clean and professional and very up to date
  • Did I mention CHEAPER?!? Even including travel, lodging, etc we're looking at $10-12k as opposed to $14-20k here.
  • My doctor says they pretty much consider you done when you leave after IVF and he doesn't want to be responsible for my care until the end of the first trimester (which is when IVF patients go back to their normal ob/gyn)
  • Time off work for DH
  • Medical care in another country - a little scary?
  • Pain in the butt to get the testing done I need before I can cycle with them
Too many decisions that need to be made in a short period of time.  I should have planned this all out in advance but felt like doing too much towards IVF would be negative towards my IUIs.  

1 comment:

  1. Do either of you speak Czech really well? If not, I'd speak to former patients of the clinic about their experiences, language-wise (e.g., what fraction of the staff actually speaks English). You won't want any misunderstandings in such an important undertaking.
    Wherever you go for IVF, good luck!
