Friday, August 30, 2013


So I guess I'm way way overdue for an update.  Things just got so busy in the last stages of planning the trip and now we are in the Czech Republic!!! Hopefully this posts ok because all the sidebars and stuff are in Czech so I'm guessing.

My period started right on time on the 22nd - which was a huge relief.  First I was worried it would come early, which would screw us big time since our flights were booked.  Then I started worrying it wouldn't come on time and even in the morning emailed my IVF coordinator saying it hadn't started.  An hour later - hello Aunt Flo - never been so happy to see you!

Started stims a week ago - 225iu of Gonal-F.  While in the states, we did the injection at midnight every night so that it was 8 a.m. Czech time to keep things consistent.  Very not fun to go to sleep knowing your alarm will go off at midnight and then try to get back to sleep but we made it through.  

Flight was very long and exhausting.  Had to do an injection mid-flight.  So glad to land and get here and then of course the fact that I was about to have my ultrasound became very very real.  I started worrying about whether I had follicles - or enough follicles at least.  For the most part my side effects so far have been pretty mild.  Some fatigue, very slight nausea, and one day back pain.  But overall not too bad, which made me wonder if they were working.

Good news - they were!  Ultrasound this morning showed 6 follicles on my left (lazy) side - 4 of which were 16mm.  On my right side - the good side - 10 follicles with 6 of them at 16mm.  Couldn't be happier about those numbers.  I was hoping for at least 10 but no more than 20 since sometimes egg quality is lower when you have lots.  

Today after my stims and a new injection - orgalutran/ganirelix (which I had a bad skin reaction to), I was tired.  Very tired.  4 hour nap tired.  Which is not what you want when you're in a foreign country and would like to explore but the #1 priority on this trip is the IVF so it's ok.  Had a nice nap and about to head out to dinner.  

Hope I didn't miss anything!  Now just hope these follicles are nice and healthy and retrieval goes well. It was moved up a day to September 4!  More to come!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I Hate Birth Control Pills

I know it's standard to take birth control pills for IVF.  I started mine a week and a half ago.  And I hate it.  It's so ironic that I have to take the anti-baby pill in my quest to have a baby.  The last thing I want to do is prevent pregnancy!  I know this is just the first step and what is to come will probably suck even worse but right now when I take the pill every day I cringe.  It just reminds me that we are on the last resort.  The last chance (for a bio baby at least).  And I know if it doesn't work (please let it work) we will pick up and move on and if we end up adopting we will love our child no less.  It just feels final.  We're betting it all on one turn of the cards and I am a very risk averse person so it goes against my grain in a big way.

On the other hand, I now have a job when we get back.  A job with decent, if not great, pay. A job I am excited about.  And maybe we can do IVF again if it doesn't work because we both have jobs and we are saving money by going to the Czech Republic for it.

My husband started a blog to detail our travels for IVF.  I would link to it but it would totally compromise my anonymity (he did it under his name and uses my name as well) and since I've said a lot here I don't necessarily want the world to know (especially certain family members), I'll refrain.  He says he finds it theraputic and it allows our family to follow us on this journey.

Heading over to acupunture today.  Still don't know if it really works but we're throwing everything at this attempt so I'll keep going.

We finally booked our flights!  We are flying into Prague on August 28 and coming back to the US on September 18.  Hopefully with the best souvenir(s) ever!  T-22 days until we leave!  My emotions are all over the place, from excitement and hopeful joy to fear and anxiety.

Until then I will keep on keeping on and post more!

Friday, August 2, 2013

An Amazing Answer to Prayer!

So I mentioned before that I lost my job.  And my DH and I agreed I would not look for a new one until after our trip to the Czech Republic for IVF.

However, a couple months ago (before we made the IVF decision and before we decided to go abroad) I sent my resume to my number one choice for a new job.  Absolutely the number one choice.  Didn't hear anything - until last Friday.  They called to ask me to come in for an interview.

Cue worry.  I can't change the dates for IVF - we've already started the cycle and paid for all the meds. We're leaving August 28 for Europe.  Can't turn down the interview because as I might have mentioned this is my number one choice!

Decided to leave it in God's hands, be open about the fact that I have a trip planned (though not disclosing it's for IVF) and went to the interview.

And I got the job!  PLUS, even better, they want me to start AFTER the trip!  It could not be more perfect!  It really is the most wonderful answer to prayer - just the ideal and more than I could have hoped for.  Now we get to go do IVF and I don't have to worry about finances or looking for a job when we get back because I have one waiting for me.

Time for a celebratory dinner out!